Physical Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 24

Simplify Your Laundry and Your Life

The older I get, the more I simplify my laundry. Some of my habits have been lifelong habits, while others I’ve adopted more recently. Here are some of the ways that I’ve kept laundry day, my wardrobe, and my linens relatively simple. No more hand washing When I was younger, I washed my bras and some of my blouses in the sink every week, then let them drip dry in the shower. Now, I wash everything in the washing machine….

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What To Do With Expired MetroCards

When I help my New York City clients get organized, we often find stacks of transit passes known as MetroCards in purses, drawers, and other niches. There is no way to tell by looking at a MetroCard whether it has any value on it or not. What you can tell, however, is whether it has expired, as the expiration date is clearly printed on the back. What should you do if you have an expired MetroCard? The answer depends on…

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Saving Space

I love finding products that are ideal for small spaces. For years, I have been using a Conair hair dryer that has two remarkable features: The power cord retracts at the touch of a button. It folds in half. When I help clients organize their bathrooms, finding a way to neatly store a hair dryer can be challenging. Most people don’t want to have to wrap up the cord after they use it each time. And it can be hard…

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Down Memory Lane

Back in January, I wrote about Projects That Never Get Done. In that post, I publicly promised to take the first step on a long-delayed project in my house: getting rid of our two video cameras, which we haven’t used in many years. The first step was to find the videos that we had taken, so that I could inventory them prior to sending them off to be digitized. After all, I might need the cameras to properly inventory the tapes….

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Use It, Love It, or Lose It

One of my five basic organizing principles is “Use it, love it, or lose it.” I teach this to all my clients, and it becomes the basis for decision-making about what to keep or what to let go. I am in the process of applying this same principle in my own home. I have a very small collection of commercial videos, on VHS and on DVD. Some of them I have never watched. With our TV shows on hiatus for the…

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