Physical Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 10

Keeping Track of Mobile Deposits

One of the great conveniences of the 21st Century is not having to go to the bank to deposit a check. If you have a smart phone, you can deposit your checks using your bank’s app. But what do you do with a check after you’ve deposited it? And if you decide to hold on to your deposited checks, how do you keep track of which checks you’ve already deposited and which still need to be deposited? I took a…

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I’d Forgotten I Had That!

In my nearly 16 years as a Professional Organizer, I have heard two statements uttered in almost every client session: “I was looking for that!” and “I’d forgotten I had that!” A quick search of my blog reveals that I wrote about “I was looking for that” in this post. The bottom line: when you come across something that you had previously been unable to find, relocate that item to the place where you were originally looking. In your mind,…

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How Many Should I Own?

When I’m helping clients downsize their clothes, I often hear the question, “How many of these should I own?” The answer is always, “It depends on how often you do your laundry”. For example, if you do your laundry every week, you need 8 pairs of underwear. If you do it every two weeks, you need 15 pairs of underwear. I discovered the downside of that answer earlier this year when I forgot to throw my socks in the laundry….

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How to Avoid Misplacing Things

I used to say I don’t make the same mistake more than three times. I’m happy to say that my new limit is twice. A few months ago, I lost my MetroCard. (For those of you who don’t live in NYC, a MetroCard is a prepaid card that provides access to the subway and bus system.) Every few years, my MetroCard gets lost. It’s very frustrating, but considering how frequently it gets used while I’m out of the house, I…

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Another Recycling Bin to Love

Call me fickle. Less than two years ago, I wrote a blog post extolling the small improvements I had made around my home during the slow days of the pandemic. One those improvements was the addition of a Simple Human two-compartment recycling bin in my kitchen. This bin was a definite step up for us, but it was not perfect in light of our recycling situation. So when Facebook showed me an ad for the Joseph Joseph GoRecycle 28L Recycling…

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