Decision-Making | Organizing Goddess

A Pile of Postponed Decisions

Does your desk have a pile of papers on it that never goes away? Mine does. It gets smaller (sometimes) and larger (mostly), but it’s always there. My very wise organizing colleague, Barbara Hemphill, declared that “Clutter is postponed decisions.®” Nowhere is this more evident than in the pile of papers on my desk. It is a pile of postponed decisions. Last month, when our illustrious Governor Cuomo declared that everyone should be staying home, I decided that I would tackle…

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Down Memory Lane

Back in January, I wrote about Projects That Never Get Done. In that post, I publicly promised to take the first step on a long-delayed project in my house: getting rid of our two video cameras, which we haven’t used in many years. The first step was to find the videos that we had taken, so that I could inventory them prior to sending them off to be digitized. After all, I might need the cameras to properly inventory the tapes….

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The Right Time to Buy A Suitcase

For a while now, I have been meaning to buy a new suitcase. I use a carry-on suitcase whenever I travel — whether I’m going away for a weekend or for two weeks. My cute little red carry-on was perfect for me: roomy on the inside with outside pockets, and easy to pick out of a group of suitcases due to its color. However, ever since I started noticing suitcases with four wheels instead of two, I have been wanting one. I…

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Plan Ahead

As a child, I remember being very amused by a sign that said “Plan Ahead” but on which there was inadequate room for the letter “d” at the end, requiring it to sit on the next line. As a Professional Organizer, I pride myself on managing my time and my obligations, anticipating what needs to get done and by when so that I can meet my deadlines calmly and with confidence. And then there’s last Thursday. I had offered to take…

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Projects That Never Get Done

My clients have them, I have them, and I bet you have them, too. I’m referring to those projects that you will get to “someday”. If you have one of those projects that you really want to accomplish this year, here’s a suggestion as to how to approach it. First, evaluate the project and decide if it’s still worth doing. You may have been putting it off for so long that you haven’t really considered whether it makes sense anymore….

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