Physical Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 25

Hang Your Necklaces

I was researching some jewelry storage options for a client when I came across a new product by one of my favorite brands: Command™. I have long extolled the virtues of Command™ Hooks. (See, most recently, Little Things Mean A Lot.) So I was excited to see that they had a new product, Command™ Clear Jewelry Racks. The Clear Jewelry Racks come packaged as two v-shaped pieces of plastic with 3 pegs each. Use your creativity to decide how to position them….

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The Pile in the Corner

I’ve written previously about how the Broken Windows Theory applies to organizing. In a nutshell, if you have a little bit of a mess, it’s easy for it to become a big mess because your standards are already lowered. Almost three years ago, I started a pile in the corner of my bedroom. Specifically, I placed a box of files there. The contents of the box were my father’s papers. We had just placed him in assisted living, and I was no…

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Change for Good

Have you ever come back from a foreign trip with leftover currency? If you travel abroad frequently, then you might want to keep the currency and bring it on your next trip to that country. However, if you don’t expect to go back to that country in the foreseeable future, you probably want to do something with it so that it doesn’t become clutter. Bills can be exchanged for dollars at banks that handles currency exchange, but they won’t accept…

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To Fold or Not To Fold

We had a brief heat wave here in NYC last week, and I found myself perusing my drawer of short-sleeved and sleeveless shirts. It was nice to rediscover some favorites that I hadn’t worn in many months. But it was a little frustrating because I couldn’t see all of them, just the few at top of the pile. So I decided to redo them in Marie Kondo style. For those of you not familiar with Marie Kondo, she is the…

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The Right Time to Buy A Suitcase

For a while now, I have been meaning to buy a new suitcase. I use a carry-on suitcase whenever I travel — whether I’m going away for a weekend or for two weeks. My cute little red carry-on was perfect for me: roomy on the inside with outside pockets, and easy to pick out of a group of suitcases due to its color. However, ever since I started noticing suitcases with four wheels instead of two, I have been wanting one. I…

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