My Organizing Blog | Organizing Goddess - Part 27

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

A few years ago, Marie Kondo made a splash with her best-selling book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. A Professional Organizer from Japan, Kondo exhorted her readers to get rid of any possession that didn’t “spark joy”. Her method of folding clothing vertically allowed for easy viewing and retrieval of items in drawers. (See my previous organizing tip: To Fold or Not to Fold.) Kondo is back in the news with her eight-episode Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie…

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Keep the Gift Cards Rolling

Gifts / Holidays / 

I was working with a client a few days ago, and she came across her collection of unused gift cards. I suggested a way to use them. She was so excited that I decided to share the idea with you all. Why not send your unredeemed gift cards to the folks on your holiday gift list? If you haven’t been able to use a Barnes & Noble gift card, give it the book lover on your list. Never going to…

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Get a Fabric Recycling Bin in Your Building

The laundry room of my apartment building is not a place that usually fills me with glee. However, I recently went down there for my weekly laundry routine and was delighted to find a clothing donation bin! It is part of a program called refashionNYC that is a joint venture between the NYC Department of Sanitation and the charity HousingWorks. In addition to clothing, shoes, accessories, and linens, we can deposit fabrics for recycling, even though they might only be reusable…

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Creating a Home Maintenance Schedule

We recently spent some time moving all of the furniture away from the wall so that we could vacuum behind it and dust the baseboards. Yikes! It has apparently been a long time since we did that. I’ve decided that it would be helpful to make up a year-round maintenance calendar for my home. (Luckily I live in an apartment building, so I don’t need to include things that house-owners would need to do, like roof gutters and lawns!) Tasks…

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A Magazine A Day

My husband has a bit of a problem. He gets two weekly magazines (The Economist and The New Yorker), plus we get the New York Times delivered every day. So much to read, and so little time. The newspaper tends to stay in the dining room (it’s easier to read when spread out on the table), but the magazines gravitate toward the bedroom so that he can read them when we go to bed. It’s rare that he gets all the…

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