My Organizing Blog | Organizing Goddess - Part 20

The Tyranny of Choice

I love doing word puzzles, so when the New York Times started featuring more puzzles each day to help us fill all of our free time, I was thrilled. One of my favorites is the cryptogram. Last week, the solved cryptogram read, “When I was growing up, we had three television channels, and it was already too much to watch.” (I may have paraphrased it, but that’s the gist.) Seven years ago, I wrote about why I preferred Netflix DVDs over…

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What’s Your New Normal?

In March, when everything around the country began shutting down and most of us starting working from home, there was no way to know when things would go back to normal. Now that three months have passed, it’s not clear what normal is anymore. I read yesterday that 60% of U.S. workers who were doing their jobs from home during the pandemic said that they want to continue working remotely, even after public health restrictions are lifted. (This is according to…

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Getting Out of Your Own Way

Raise your hand if you are good at making excuses to avoid doing something. (I would raise mine, but then I wouldn’t be able to continue typing.) If you’ve been reading my Organizing Tips for a while, you may remember that six years ago, I lost 40 pounds. You can find those details in “Lightening the Load“. Then I wrote about having kept the weight off for one year in “Keeping It Off‘”. Given all the wisdom that I shared in…

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Pushing It Over the Finish Line

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” — William James As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve been spending the recent down-time by tackling some long-delayed personal projects. It has been delightful checking them off my to-do list. Every project, however, leaves a few remaining tasks of a slightly different nature. For example, when I cleaned out the DVD cabinet under my television, there were some DVDs that I still needed to examine more closely,…

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Rediscovering Books

Books / 

In one of my earlier posts about how I’m spending my stay-at-home time (see Making Lemonade), I mentioned that I was planning to tackle the unread books on my bookshelves, after more than seven years as the satisfied owner of an e-reader. Books mainly make their way into my home when my clients are disposing of them and I ask if I can have them. Usually it’s a book that I have been wanting to read or that I have been curious about….

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