Cleaning | Organizing Goddess

Using Stuff Up, Part 2

Last time, I talked about how much I love to use stuff up. This time, I’d like to address a related topic: stuff that never gets used up. When I work with clients, here are some of the most common places where I see this happen. In the kitchen: food that gets opened but doesn’t ever get finished. Or food that gets purchased and never even gets opened. In the bathroom: products that are used for a while but then…

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Get Your Brooms and Mops Off the Floor

Over the weekend, I embarked on a small project that is giving me great happiness. I got my brooms off the floor of the closet. As you probably already know, I am a huge fan of Command™ products. I’ve written numerous blog posts about them (see, for example, Commanding the Bathroom and Hooks at Your Command.) I’ve used Command hooks in my own home to hang keys, handbags, clothes, masks, necklaces, potholders, pans, and utensils. I’ve also implemented Command products…

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Creating a Home Maintenance Schedule

We recently spent some time moving all of the furniture away from the wall so that we could vacuum behind it and dust the baseboards. Yikes! It has apparently been a long time since we did that. I’ve decided that it would be helpful to make up a year-round maintenance calendar for my home. (Luckily I live in an apartment building, so I don’t need to include things that house-owners would need to do, like roof gutters and lawns!) Tasks…

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