My Organizing Blog | Organizing Goddess - Part 26

Keeping a Lid on Your Pots and Pans

The other day, I was marveling at how much easier it is now to get out and put away pots and pans and their lids. It used to be such a struggle. A few months ago, I reviewed all of my kitchen cabinets and drawers. I reacquainted myself with the contents, disposed of anything we didn’t use, and rearranged everything that was left so that the things we used the most often were easy to reach. I made two big…

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A Pocketful of Change

Do you have bowls or mugs full of change that accumulates in your home but that you don’t know what to do with? Many of my clients do. I even have a small bowl to collect change in my home. I used to take loose change to the TD Bank near me. However, they have eliminated their change-counting machines. When I asked for alternatives, they gave me some paper coin rolls. Counting coins and stuffing them into a paper roll is…

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Your Grownup Kid’s Stuff

I recently wrote about what happened when my empty nest got filled up again after my daughter finished college. This time I want to tell you how we made sure, before she even went to college, that her stuff wouldn’t live here longer than she would. When my daughter was packing up to go to college, I acknowledged that she might never live with us again. Like so many who experience a taste of life away from parents, she might…

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Refilling the Empty Nest

My daughter Emily finished college last month, a semester early. We were very happy to have her back home. We were less excited to see the return of her stuff. Getting Emily packed up and off to college in a rented SUV in August of 2015 remains one of my less enjoyable family memories. It was the culmination of a summer of preparation and negotiation. She wanted to take much more than I thought she should. I think we met…

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Managing Your Charitable Contributions

If you’ve ever donated money to a charitable organization, you’ve probably experienced the immediate and ongoing communications from that charity asking you for more money. While I understand the organization’s need to generate funds, it’s frustrating to me that this is how some of my donation is being used. Is it likely that, having just made a donation, I will make another one so soon? Well, maybe I would if I were disorganized and didn’t know how recently I had…

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