My Organizing Blog | Organizing Goddess - Part 15

Things to Document While You Still Can

If you’ve been following my writing for a while, you know that I am very interested in documenting what your family will need to know when you are no longer around. I created a folder in my file cabinet labeled “Afterlife” and have been adding documents to it for several years. The AARP Newsletter recently featured a helpful article entitled How to Be a Good Executor of a Will or Estate. What interested me most was a sidebar that featured “5 Things…

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Nobody Compares to You

When my sister and I were little, we used to run to my mother to ask her whose drawing was better. My mother would very wisely answer some variation on the following: “Yours is beautiful for a 3-year old, and yours is beautiful for a 6-year old.” We would walk away feeling very satisfied with our mother’s praise, even though she had not directly answered our question. (As the younger child, I’m sure I would have been on the losing…

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Turn Your Unused Gift Cards into Charity

I’m guessing that you have some unused gift cards stashed away somewhere. You may have forgotten about them. Even if you didn’t, you may not remember how much money is left on them. An article on posted last year states: “Half of Americans currently own unredeemed gift cards or store credits, according to a new survey from Bankrate. The average person with unused gift cards is sitting on $167 in free money.” Gift cards are a convenience for the gift…

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Commanding The Bathroom

I will never get tired of Command™ products, the line of hooks, strips, and other items that can be adhered to a wall or other smooth surface without damaging it. I’ve used them all over my home, as you can read about in many of my previous posts, including My Love Affair with Command™ Hooks and Hang Your Necklaces. But it’s even more fun when I get to try out products at a client’s home! A long-term client recently moved to a new…

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The Burden of Getting New Things

For about a year, my husband had been saying, “We really need to replace these dishes.” He was right. Our everyday plates, bowls, and cups bore numerous chips, dings, and scratches. We had broken or chipped so many cups that we barely had enough to get through a day of three people consuming various beverages. And yet I hesitated, because I know that in my house, “we” means “me”. If I could have magically snapped my fingers and had new…

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