Mental Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 4

Pushing It Over the Finish Line

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” — William James As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve been spending the recent down-time by tackling some long-delayed personal projects. It has been delightful checking them off my to-do list. Every project, however, leaves a few remaining tasks of a slightly different nature. For example, when I cleaned out the DVD cabinet under my television, there were some DVDs that I still needed to examine more closely,…

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When The Project Chooses You

We recently we finished watching the full series of eight Harry Potter movies, and I was reminded that the wizard doesn’t choose the wand; instead, the wand chooses the wizard. I sometimes find that I don’t choose my next organizing project; instead, the project chooses me. A dear friend mentioned recently that, in the process of doing some organizing, he had come across his copy of a video of a short play he had directed and in which my husband had acted. I…

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A Pile of Postponed Decisions

Does your desk have a pile of papers on it that never goes away? Mine does. It gets smaller (sometimes) and larger (mostly), but it’s always there. My very wise organizing colleague, Barbara Hemphill, declared that “Clutter is postponed decisions.®” Nowhere is this more evident than in the pile of papers on my desk. It is a pile of postponed decisions. Last month, when our illustrious Governor Cuomo declared that everyone should be staying home, I decided that I would tackle…

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Life in the Time of Corona

Another week has gone by, and there is still no clear end in sight for our self-quarantine. I’ve made slow but steady progress on my photo project, giving descriptive names to the photos that I had digitized in recent years. I’m now past the halfway point (I’m on roll 112 out of 200). We’re still chuckling at the amusing photos from when our daughter was small. I’ve also made progress on the books that have been sitting on my shelves…

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Making Lemonade

We were hoping that things would go back to normal in a few weeks. Now it’s clear that this crazy new way of life will be measured in months, not weeks. Last week I exhorted you to take care of those projects that you have been putting off. Let me tell you what I’ve been up to, in the hope that it will inspire you. Photo Project After finishing my 2019 photo album last week, I got started on a long…

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