Mental Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 17

The Dangling E-mail Conversation

Doesn’t it make you crazy when you send an e-mail to someone and never get a response? I’ve discovered that there are a number of reasons why this happens.  It has very little to do with you, and all to do with them. Most people are just not very efficient e-mail managers.  When I give talks on e-mail management, I ask, “How many of you have over 1,000 unread e-mails in your inbox?”  Usually most of the attendees raise their hands!

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Embracing Change

Years ago, when I was learning about Change Management in a training program at Philip Morris, the instructor said that the only person who liked change was a wet baby. Several years later, I became a parent, and I discovered that even wet babies don’t like change.  My daughter never wanted to take time out of her busy playing schedule to have her diaper changed.  Luckily I was stronger than she was.

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Preventing Chronic Lateness

Are you chronically late?  Do you start out each morning with the vow that today you’re going to arrive everywhere on time, only to let yourself down, day after day? Here are some thoughts that might help. Chronic lateness is generally caused by two errors of judgment.  One is not knowing how much time it’s going to take you to get ready.  The other is not prioritizing your time prior to leaving.

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All About Time Demands

This week, I’m delighted to have a guest writer for the first time!  Francis Wade is the author of the new book Bill’s Im-Perfect Time Management Adventure, a charming novel about one man’s search to solve the puzzle of time management. —————————————————- Perhaps the biggest discovery shared in my new book, Bill’s Im-Perfect Time Management Adventure, is the idea that while we can’t actually manage time, we do manage “time demands.”

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