See It And Use It

Here’s a pop quiz.  Let’s say you are searching the top of your closet for an item that you have stored there.  Which of these bins will make it easier for you to find what you are looking for?  The opaque bin on the left, or the clear bin on the right?

Opaque Bin

Opaque Bin

Clear Bin

Clear Bin








If you answered the clear bin, you are correct!   Transparency is essential when you want to find something.  That’s true whether you are using bins, bags, or boxes.  If you can’t see it, you won’t use it.

If you do use opaque bins, it’s important that you label them.  I have been in too many situations with clients in which we open an opaque container, and the client says, “Oh, so THAT’S where I put that!  I’ve been looking all over for it.”

In addition to overlooking something because you can’t see it, another problem of unlabeled opaque containers is that you sometimes think that something else is stored there.  Clients often say something like, “We don’t need to open that bin.  It’s just my extra towels.”  Then we open it up and find that it’s the outgrown baby clothes, or the swimwear.

There’s a great selection of transparent storage.  If you go to the Container Store website and search the word “clear”, you’ll see a wide array of products that will protect your belongings and keep them organized, but still allow you to see them.

Now, is that crystal clear?

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