Time Management | Organizing Goddess - Part 3

The Skinny On Time Management

When I tell people about my organizing specialties, their eyes widen when I mention Time Management.  Everyone feels like there is too much to do and not enough time.  Clients who hire me to help clear up clutter often ask me to come back for an extra session to work on time management.  Many have said that our 90-minute time management session changed their lives. There are a lot of books out there on managing time, but let’s face it —…

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Work at Your Peak Efficiency

In two days, I will be flying to Columbus, Ohio, to attend the annual conference of the National Association of Professional Organizers for the rest of the week.  My focus for the next two days is be as efficient as possible: plowing through my to-do list, answering e-mails with rapidity, turning down requests for meetings, and delaying until next week anything that doesn’t need to be done now.  I plan to leave my inbox completely empty, and my desk clear…

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In Praise of Deadlines

Do you consider yourself a procrastinator?  Interestingly, most people do.  Even though I teach time management and productivity, that’s no guarantee that I won’t succumb to the lure of on-line Sudoku in spite of my beautifully prioritized to-do list. Recently, I had two tasks that I just couldn’t get started on.  I got everything else done but still couldn’t get started on those two.  When I ran out of time-wasters, I even did some productive things that weren’t on my…

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