keep like with like | Organizing Goddess

Keep Like With Like

One of my five basic organizing principles is “Keep like with like”.  In  my clients’ homes, I see over and over again what happens when this principle is violated. I often hear the anguished cry, “I had no idea I had so many of these!” When you don’t keep like with like, one of two results is likely to happen:  (1) you run out, or (2) you overbuy.  You may be asking yourself, how can one behavior result in two…

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The Power of Labeling

Two of my basic organizing principles are:  (1) Every item must have a home, and (2) Keep like with like. By selecting a home for every item, you know where to look for it when you need it, and you know where to put it away when you are done.  By keeping like with like, you avoid creating multiple homes for similar things. I’ve discovered a great way to reinforce these two principles: labeling.

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