Kitchen Cabinets | Organizing Goddess - Part 3

The Burden of Getting New Things

For about a year, my husband had been saying, “We really need to replace these dishes.” He was right. Our everyday plates, bowls, and cups bore numerous chips, dings, and scratches. We had broken or chipped so many cups that we barely had enough to get through a day of three people consuming various beverages. And yet I hesitated, because I know that in my house, “we” means “me”. If I could have magically snapped my fingers and had new…

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Tricking Out My Kitchen

The more time I spend in my home, the more organized it gets. I’m continually revisiting spaces that I’ve already worked on to make them even easier to use. Take my kitchen, for example. I’ve written about numerous kitchen projects in recent years. In Keeping A Lid on Your Pots and Pans and But I Paid So Much For It, I wrote about getting rid of pots I wasn’t using, rearranging my lower cabinets to make my pots and pans more accessible, and hanging…

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Keep Like With Like

One of my five basic organizing principles is “Keep like with like”.  In  my clients’ homes, I see over and over again what happens when this principle is violated. I often hear the anguished cry, “I had no idea I had so many of these!” When you don’t keep like with like, one of two results is likely to happen:  (1) you run out, or (2) you overbuy.  You may be asking yourself, how can one behavior result in two…

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