Memorabilia | Organizing Goddess

Why We Collect

I’ve always loved these lyrics from the musical The King and I, which Anna sings in the introduction to the song Getting to Know You: It’s a very ancient saying But a true and honest thought That when you become a teacher, By your pupils you’ll be taught. As a Professional Organizer for the last seven years, I can vouch for this.  Although clients hire me to teach them how to live their lives in a more organized fashion, I frequently…

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Share Your Legacy Now

Yesterday was Father’s Day.  My sister and I decided to celebrate with my father at his apartment, the first family gathering there since my mother passed away nearly four months ago.   With my 19-year old niece home from college for the summer and my 15-year old daughter about to leave for camp, it seemed like a good time for us to go through my mother’s jewelry.

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Practicing What I Preach

As a Professional Organizer, I live the advice that I give my clients.  I regularly donate unworn clothes and unused items; I efficiently process incoming e-mail and paper; I manage my time using an effective to-do list. But even I’m not perfect. That’s why I found it so satisfying last week to tackle something that had been nagging at me for a while — something that was violating TWO of my six basic organizing principles.

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Clutter-Free Memorabilia

When I was 17, my family moved to a new apartment.  At that time, I was able to fit all of my personal items into two cardboard boxes. I’ve got a lot more than that now! We tend to accumulate things as we go through life.  Some of them are very important to us, while some we just keep out of habit. How can we prevent our memorabilia from turning into clutter?

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