labeler | Organizing Goddess

Got New Electronics?

Technology changes so quickly these days that we’ve just barely mastered an acquisition before an updated version with amazing new features is out on the market.  No wonder we have a tendency to replace things that still work.   I myself have just done so with my landline phone, and I’m thrilled with my decision. However, one of the consequences of rapid technology advances is . . . clutter.  (You knew I was going to get around to that, didn’t you?)

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The Power of Labeling

Two of my basic organizing principles are:  (1) Every item must have a home, and (2) Keep like with like. By selecting a home for every item, you know where to look for it when you need it, and you know where to put it away when you are done.  By keeping like with like, you avoid creating multiple homes for similar things. I’ve discovered a great way to reinforce these two principles: labeling.

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