e-mail | Organizing Goddess

Write It Down

One of the worst feelings in the world occurs when you suddenly realize that you forgot to do something that you promised somebody you would do.   It’s even worse when it’s the other person doing the reminding. How can you prevent commitments from slipping through the cracks?   A great start is to write everything down.

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Practicing What I Preach

As a Professional Organizer, I live the advice that I give my clients.  I regularly donate unworn clothes and unused items; I efficiently process incoming e-mail and paper; I manage my time using an effective to-do list. But even I’m not perfect. That’s why I found it so satisfying last week to tackle something that had been nagging at me for a while — something that was violating TWO of my six basic organizing principles.

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How Smart is Your Smart Phone?

I was an early adopter of the Blackberry.   I was working for a large corporation when they came out, and as soon as I saw one of my colleagues with one and heard about it’s capabilities, I knew this was for me.  I had just returned from a vacation and had been frustrated at being away from e-mail for a week. A few years later, I upgraded to the cell phone version of the Blackberry.  I got rid of my low-tech personal…

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