My Organizing Blog | Organizing Goddess - Part 52

Why We Collect

I’ve always loved these lyrics from the musical The King and I, which Anna sings in the introduction to the song Getting to Know You: It’s a very ancient saying But a true and honest thought That when you become a teacher, By your pupils you’ll be taught. As a Professional Organizer for the last seven years, I can vouch for this.  Although clients hire me to teach them how to live their lives in a more organized fashion, I frequently…

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Everything In Its Place

I’ve just returned from a 2-week vacation with my husband and teenage daughter.  Well, it was sort of a vacation.  My husband had some business trips to take, so we built a vacation around them.  And we decided that as long as we were traveling, we might as well start doing college visits.  So it was a rather hectic vacation, with a lot more early morning wakeups than I’d like.  But it was still great to be away as a family…

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Dispose of the Clothes

Have you ever seen the movie “The Sound of Music”?  Julie Andrews, playing a would-be nun, has been sent from the abbey to the von Trapp family as the new governess.  Captain Von Trapp requests that before she meets his seven children, she change into a different dress.  She tells him that she doesn’t have another dress, since they are required to give all their worldly goods to the poor when entering the abbey.  “What about this dress?” he asks.  “The…

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Remove Dry Cleaning Plastic

When you bring home newly-cleaned clothes from the dry cleaner, should you remove them from the plastic, or hang them as is? Many people think that they should keep on the plastic to protect the items until they are worn again.  However, a Google Search on the phrase “remove dry cleaning plastic” will convince you that removing the plastic is the correct thing to do.

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