Shoes | Organizing Goddess - Part 3

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

You know that item that you bought a long time ago but you never used it and now it just clutters up your closet?  Yeah, that one. We had a closet full of those.  Well, not a whole closet.  But what we had was bulky, so it seemed like it. A few weeks ago, I decided that the large unused items had to go, and  I made some plans for them.  One item, a full-sized piano keyboard which connects to…

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The Reasonable Person Standard

In law, the “reasonable person standard” is used to judge a defendant’s behavior by asking whether “a reasonable person, under the same circumstances, would have acted in the same way as the defendant”. So what does this have to do with organizing?   I sometimes use the “reasonable person standard” to help my clients determine how much is too much.

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