File Cabinets | Organizing Goddess

The Perpetual Pile of Papers

Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a lot of things planned. But as my grandmother used to say, man plans and god laughs. I have been recovering from a virus and still wasn’t feeling 100%, so I decided to modify my plans and have a more low-key day. Instead of going to a museum, we took a walk through nearby Central Park. It was a lovely change of pace and really put a special stamp on the day. Since…

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An Organizing Fail

File Cabinets / Paper / 

My daughter recently said, “Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to get organized”, and I had to agree with her. Here’s what happened. My 23-year old was in the first wave of workers eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine. When she came home after her first dose in January, I asked her for her vaccination card and told her that I would put it in a safe place. A month later, on the day of her second dose, she came to me…

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The Perils of Outdated Papers

When clients contact me for help with managing papers, I always ask them, “Do you have a file cabinet?” The answer almost always is, “Yes, but it’s full.” Usually their file cabinet is full with outdated papers that haven’t been reviewed in a long time. One of the first things I’ll do when I work with these clients is go through the old files and get rid of anything that is no longer relevant. Going through old papers is time-consuming, but it’s…

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Why Have A File Cabinet?

I didn’t always own a file cabinet.  During my 25-year business career, I always had multiple file cabinets in my office, but I never even considered owning one at home.  I viewed file cabinets as clunky metal things that didn’t fit into any type of home décor. A few years before I left Corporate America , my supervisor worked with an efficiency expert who got all her papers in order.  She was so impressed that she authorized all of her direct…

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