Physical Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 41

The Power of Habits

When I got my first apartment after I finished graduate school, I learned an important lesson about the power of habits. Several times during the first few weeks, I left my apartment and started my 3-block walk to the subway, only to stop in fear that I had not locked my door.  I would return to the apartment and discover that I had indeed locked the door — I just couldn’t remember doing it. Eventually, I trusted that if I left…

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Better Ways to Spend

I was intrigued by a book review in the weekly magazine The Economist, since the book in question delivers the same message that I have been telling my clients: spend your money on experiences, not things. According to “Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending”, by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, behavioral research indicates that the excitement brought on by material purchases wears off quickly.  A much better strategy, the review states, is “to spend money on experiences, like interesting trips, unique meals, or even going…

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Why We Collect

I’ve always loved these lyrics from the musical The King and I, which Anna sings in the introduction to the song Getting to Know You: It’s a very ancient saying But a true and honest thought That when you become a teacher, By your pupils you’ll be taught. As a Professional Organizer for the last seven years, I can vouch for this.  Although clients hire me to teach them how to live their lives in a more organized fashion, I frequently…

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Everything In Its Place

I’ve just returned from a 2-week vacation with my husband and teenage daughter.  Well, it was sort of a vacation.  My husband had some business trips to take, so we built a vacation around them.  And we decided that as long as we were traveling, we might as well start doing college visits.  So it was a rather hectic vacation, with a lot more early morning wakeups than I’d like.  But it was still great to be away as a family…

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