Clothing | Organizing Goddess - Part 5

To Fold or Not To Fold

We had a brief heat wave here in NYC last week, and I found myself perusing my drawer of short-sleeved and sleeveless shirts. It was nice to rediscover some favorites that I hadn’t worn in many months. But it was a little frustrating because I couldn’t see all of them, just the few at top of the pile. So I decided to redo them in Marie Kondo style. For those of you not familiar with Marie Kondo, she is the…

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The Eyes of a Stranger

I recently had the experience of being photographed by the New York Times. I had been interviewed earlier this month by a Times reporter for an article on tackling clutter in the new year. The author decided which of my quotes she planned to use, then arranged for a photographer to come to my home and take pictures of me in the act of organizing the areas I spoke about. (You can see the article here.) The first thing we…

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Know Your Style

Closets / Clothing / Jewelry / Shoes / 

Last week, I watched a documentary about the style icon Iris Apfel. She is an interior designer who has amassed a collection of one-of-a-kind clothing which she pairs with gobs of unusual jewelry pieces. Her sense of style is so unique that the Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute featured her collection in an exhibit in 2005. According to Wikipedia, “Apfel consults and lectures about style and other fashion topics”. By the way, she is 95 years old. I was fascinated by the close-up portrait of…

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It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

Back in June, I wrote about a project on which I had done a good bit of procrastinating (see A Blessing and A Curse). To refresh your memory on the salient details, I was asked to record a 90-minute class I had delivered at a NAPO conference 6 years earlier, so that the class could be made available as part of NAPO’s educational offerings. I put it off and put it off, and finally got it done by setting myself…

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Wear and Wear Again

When my daughter was little, every item of clothing she was wearing went into the clothes hamper at the end of the day. Small children get into a lot messy situations, so we just assumed that whatever she had on was in need of laundering. When you get to be a grownup, it’s not so straightforward. The bedrooms and closets of many of my clients are strewn with clothing that is not quite clean but not quite dirty. What are some…

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