Closets | Organizing Goddess - Part 10

Baubles, Bangles, and Beads

Do you have so much jewelry that it won’t fit in one jewelry box?  Do you end up wearing the same pieces over and over again because you can’t see the others? Longstem Organizers has come up with the perfect solution: a jewelry organizer that can hold a massive amount and can be hung up on a wall or over a closet door to enable you to see every piece you own. I became aware of Longstem when they demonstrated their product at a…

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Keep Like With Like

One of my five basic organizing principles is “Keep like with like”.  In  my clients’ homes, I see over and over again what happens when this principle is violated. I often hear the anguished cry, “I had no idea I had so many of these!” When you don’t keep like with like, one of two results is likely to happen:  (1) you run out, or (2) you overbuy.  You may be asking yourself, how can one behavior result in two…

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Dispose of the Clothes

Have you ever seen the movie “The Sound of Music”?  Julie Andrews, playing a would-be nun, has been sent from the abbey to the von Trapp family as the new governess.  Captain Von Trapp requests that before she meets his seven children, she change into a different dress.  She tells him that she doesn’t have another dress, since they are required to give all their worldly goods to the poor when entering the abbey.  “What about this dress?” he asks.  “The…

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Remove Dry Cleaning Plastic

When you bring home newly-cleaned clothes from the dry cleaner, should you remove them from the plastic, or hang them as is? Many people think that they should keep on the plastic to protect the items until they are worn again.  However, a Google Search on the phrase “remove dry cleaning plastic” will convince you that removing the plastic is the correct thing to do.

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