Mental Clutter | Organizing Goddess - Part 24

Recycled Wrapping Paper

Wrap those holiday presents in style, and do something good for the earth at the same time by using recyclable wrapping paper and other holiday consumables. Earth Presents (  produces “100% recycled and recyclable wrapping paper.  Our designs are inspired by the artwork of students with special talents and special needs at WVSA, a unique nonprofit organization.  A portion of the proceeds from the sale of our products benefit WVSA’s School for Arts in Learning. And our matching gift tags…

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Schedule a Meeting with Doodle®

Have you ever tried to schedule a meeting with a group of people?  It can take a lot of e-mails or phone calls to see a consensus forming, and then one person’s response can scuttle the whole endeavor and send you back to square one.  Here’s a better alternative. Doodle® is a free website that enables you to set up possible dates and times for an event and then send it to a list of e-mail addresses.  Each of your attendees…

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Divide and Conquer

Even the most efficient of us can get sidelined by a task that seems way too big.  Whether we perceive it as too complicated, too time-consuming, or too boring, we can become very creative procrastinators in an effort to avoid sinking our teeth into that elephant. How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time. To make that overwhelming task into something you can approach without dread, break it into smaller pieces.  List out all of the steps…

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